Welcome to the NCI Family Surveys

We would like to hear your opinion! You have been selected to take part in the National Core Indicators© (NCI) survey. The information you give us, helps your state learn about your family’s experiences with services received from your state’s Developmental Disabilities Agency.

Here are a few important things to know:

 ♦ The survey is VOLUNTARY:This is a survey to improve the quality of services in your state. Families and people who receive services are asked to complete the survey. It is your choice to participate.
 ♦ The survey is ANONYMOUS:You do not need to put your name on the survey, and your personal information will not be collected in the survey.
 ♦ The survey is for QUALITY:This is an opinion survey to improve the quality of services for everyone. It is not for planning your personal services. The way you answer the survey questions will not directly affect your services.

© 2024 National Association of State Directors of Developmental Disabilities Services and Human Services Research Institute. All rights reserved. Permission to use or reproduce portions of this survey is granted for purposes of the National Core Indicators (NCI) only. For other purposes, permission must be requested in writing from the authors.